Viasat legal statements

2015年现代奴隶制法案披露声明- 2021财年

The Viasat Group of companies (“Viasat”) are committed to conducting business ethically and with integrity.  我们尊重国际人权原则, 包括2015年英国《最好的电竞竞猜app大全》中的规定, 并将这些原则和承诺体现在我们的公司政策中.  Viasat’s efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its supply chain and own business include the following:


Supply Chain

It is expected that all suppliers to Viasat operate their own businesses in accordance with the highest ethical standards.  To that end, our Guide to Business Conduct requires that Viasat的供应商关系是基于合法、有效和公平的做法.  We expect our suppliers to obey the laws that require them to treat workers fairly and provide a safe and healthy work environment.  Viasat不会故意使用任何使用强迫、监狱或契约劳工的供应商.  Viasat will only work with suppliers who comply with all laws regarding slavery and human trafficking in the countries in which the suppliers are doing business.




Viasat要求其所有供应商证明他们符合这些概念.  Further, Viasat includes language in its supply contracts which prohibits its suppliers from utilizing forced, prison, or indentured labor, 不得对劳动者进行任何形式的强迫、胁迫.  Suppliers are informed that they should comply with all laws regarding slavery and human trafficking in the countries in which they do business.  Viasat的供应商也被要求将这些要求传递给他们自己的供应商, and Viasat expects all of its suppliers to police their own supply chains in order to prevent modern slavery of any kind.  Moreover, Viasat的供应链人员接受了认识健康的培训, safety, and labor red flags, 包括与强迫劳动有关的危险信号, 报告和调查可疑的不当行为. 



Viasat在自己的业务中不使用奴工, Viasat也不容忍强迫或强制劳动, or human trafficking.  这种行为违反了公司政策, and Viasat endeavors to monitor its businesses to prevent such behavior taking place inside the company.  Viasat encourages anyone with information regarding modern slavery or human trafficking taking place at the Company, 或者在其供应链的任何地方, to make a report to the Company’s Ethics and Compliance Hotline by calling (+44) 0808-234-7051 or (+1) 888-475-8376.


Viasat Inc. is committed to ensuring that its supply chain represents its values and respect for human rights.  为此,我们的《最好的电竞竞猜app大全》规定:


Viasat的供应商关系是基于合法、有效和公平的做法. We expect our suppliers to obey the laws that require them to treat workers fairly and provide a safe and healthy work environment.  Viasat不会故意使用任何使用强迫、监狱或契约劳工的供应商.  Viasat will only work with suppliers who comply with all laws regarding slavery and human trafficking in the countries in which the suppliers are doing business.   


Viasat implements this policy by obligating its suppliers to certify that they are compliant with these concepts.  Further, Viasat在合同中要求其供应商“不得使用强迫手段”, prison, or indentured labor, or subject workers to any form of compulsion or coercion” and to “comply with all laws regarding slavery and human trafficking in the countries in which Seller is doing business.“Viasat的供应商也有义务将这些要求传递给他们的供应商. Key personnel in Viasat’s procurement department receive training on how to identify human trafficking and forced labor issues.  虽然Viasat没有正式的审计程序, 这些人员接受过识别健康的培训, safety, and labor red flags, 包括与强迫劳动有关的危险信号, 并报告和调查所有对不当行为的怀疑.    未能满足上述合同要求的供应商将被终止合同.   Employees who violate Viasat’s Guide to Business Conduct are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.


Viasat condemns the ongoing conflict and resulting humanitarian harm in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 这在一定程度上是由矿石贸易的融资推动的, tantalum, tungsten, and gold are derived. These elements have come to be known as “conflict minerals”; when they originate in mines operated or taxed by the warring factions, 它们可以被称为“来自冲突矿山的冲突矿物”.”


冲突矿物是珠宝等产品的常见成分, toys, and lightbulbs to airplanes, vehicle airbag systems, 以及电子和计算机部件. Because the minerals in these products typically enter supply chains many layers removed from companies like Viasat, 很难确定他们是否支持武装冲突. At the same time, millions of Congolese workers rely on artisanal mining or work in legitimate mines to support a subsistence living. Avoiding purchase of all conflict minerals from the DRC region would cause severe hardship for them and their dependents.


促进基本人权事业的发展, Viasat is committed to work toward eliminating from our products conflict minerals that support armed groups in the DRC or in the surrounding countries, 同时尽量减少对合法的自给矿工及其家属的意外后果. Viasat will:


  • 继续努力消除, over time, 我们产品中所有来自冲突矿场的冲突矿物, and endeavor to improve, year-over-year, 我们在供应链中追踪冲突矿产的能力, report on their origin, 并消除那些源自冲突地雷的地雷.
  • Comply with the requirements of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, 这就要求企业对钽的产地进行调查, tin, tungsten and gold in their supply chains and report on the reasonable inquiry or due diligence they conduct to determine whether their purchase supported armed groups in the DRC.


Viasat期望其供应商合理地保证锡, tantalum, tungsten, 他们生产的产品中的黄金是无冲突的. If Viasat becomes aware of a supplier whose supply chain includes conflict minerals from conflict mines, Viasat将采取适当措施及时纠正这种情况, 包括对供应商关系的重新评估. Viasat expects our suppliers to take similar measures with their suppliers to ensure alignment throughout the supply chain.

Conflict Minerals FAQ

What are “conflict minerals”?



  • Viasat is committed to ethical business conduct and the responsible sourcing of minerals through our global supply chain. To support this we are committed to sourcing components and materials from suppliers that share our values and comply with the legislation. Viasat致力于遵守联邦要求, 我们需要你的帮助来支持我们的合规. Viasat的冲突矿产政策公布在我们的网站上. Please see



  • 如果你提供给Viasat的产品中含有3TG, Viasat will need you to complete an industry standard survey about conflict minerals in your products. Your help is needed in completing the surveys we send you and answering the questions relative to the source of the 3TG contained in the product(s) you supply to Viasat. The survey is to be completed in the specified format known as the Conflict Mineral Reporting Template (CMRT). Information regarding the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) or the template can be found at



Viasat供应商可以使用多种资源. They are:

Transparency in Coverage

These links lead to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. 机器可读文件的格式允许研究人员, regulators, 应用程序开发人员可以更轻松地访问和分析数据. 雇主识别号码(EIN): 33-0174996